OpenBIMRL | Anatomy OpenBIMRL Graph
Standard behavior
What is the default behavior and why does it exist?
The default behavior is used to adapt the input of a block to the functionality of the block. So the user does not have to take care if the block expects a single value or a list and does not have to add a new block that implements the corresponding different functionality. This means that the user can also specify a list for a block that only expects a single value and will not receive an error.
How does the default behavior work
The default behavior is implemented by many blocks and ensures that a list of the requested input can be processed without error. It does this by executing the appropriate node for each element of the list and merging the individual results into a new list.
(Screenshots of the default behavior for the addition node (example of default behavior for single values))
(Screenshots of default behavior at XY node (example of default behavior for lists))
standard behavior of graph interpretation
For advanced users: what is the standard behavior, what is it good for? when is it used and how can I tell that it is used or cannot be used at the corresponding node. (Naming of inputs)